Functional Training

Find your limit then create a new one!

Our classes are for anyone who wants to work hard and have fun at the same time. Come and learn how to be more functional by joining our classes in the Functional Therapy studio in Bournemouth.​


Posture and biomechanics with multi dimensional movement.
If you have been waiting for a chance to try Functional Therapy, now is the time to start so you can make gains without the pain.

Let’s be functional again!

What are your fitness goals?
  • Lose weight
  • Tone up
  • Improve strength, flexibility, and stamina

Keep in mind that all workouts are realistic. Join our Functional Training classes where you will reactivate dormant muscles and muscle groups. In addition, you will improve your general balance, coordination, tone up and lose weight.

You will be surrounded by like-minded people that are here to help and support you.

We look out for you!

What is a functional training class like?

Functional Therapy = Life-Changing Therapy

To find out more or book your consultation
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